Welcome, and congratulations on your engagement!
I’m so very glad you found me. I’m Carly, a Wedding Photographer who specialises in catering to those who like to do things differently. Who ache to create ceremonies that reflect all their colour, fun and magic. Authentic celebrations that honour country, community and the world we live in and who we are now.
In 2024, I took this passion to the next level and threw my own dream wedding; bucking industry norms and reflecting the colour, values, philosophies, playfulness and joy that is truly my community (see photos below).
We updated rituals, turning traditions into spells, into poetry and magic; and created something truly transformative for everyone involved.
It was a deeply insightful experience, invaluable to understanding the journey my couples go on. Yielding even more hacks than my many years working in events has blessed me with. But the most important reminder, was that photography begins soooo much earlier than just behind the lens.
It starts with how we scaffold events. It starts with our intention. It starts with how we design them and how we invite people to show up in them.
When we invite people to be more creative, more playful, we invite them to be more expressive; and with that we invite more authenticity, more joy and more connection. This is what people respond to in my photographs. These are the memories they want to hold onto that are meaningful to them.
And that is why, this year in 2025, I’m offering more than just photography, I’m offering a new package with Wedding Planning & Creative Support (detailed further below), to help make all your wildest visions come TRUE. And to celebrate it’s launch, I’m offering one full package (valued at almost $10K) as a giveaway to one lucky couple getting married in 2025.
NB: All photos on my website were taken by me. The photos of my own wedding below were taken by Kyra Boyer; these photographs provide an example of what I created… and what I want to help do for you ;) Your version of this!
Multiple planning sessions to help you develop you define your creative wedding philosophy, vision and theme
A spreadsheet planner + action timeline (so you feel so organised and top of everything)
Run sheet development
Venue + vendor recommendations + support
Digital (website) invite development (incl. copy writing support + photo content) + RSVP mgmt
Pre-Wedding Creative Photo Shoot (for you website invite content)
Full day + extra coverage - up to 10 hours
Min 700 edited photographs
High & low resolution files (colour + B&W)
Digital online gallery
50 photo Sneak Peek (following week)
~40 hours editing
50 page Fine Art Print Album
Lush linen/leather cover + custom embossed
Fully designed with 2 proof rounds
VALUED AT: $9 950 + gst
Be getting married in 2025
Preference to those who already have their date locked in
Follow our insta account
Share the insta ad you saw to your stories and tag us
Be an open-minded creative couple who are looking to do things differently, and would love help in designing and actualising their dream vision!
Fill out the form below by 31st Jan 2025
The details and vision you provide here will
Waheee! Thank you, I can’t wait to meet you!
““Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.””